Frequently Asked Questions about the National Science Week Seed Grants 2019
National Science Week Queensland Seed Grants of $2 500, will open Friday 22 February 2019.
Can I apply for a grant for an event that my school/business was already planning to run?
Yes you can, as long as it meets the criteria for the grants (particularly involving the broader community and targeting those traditionally not as engaged with science.
Are the grants for science only or any STEM topic?
They are for all types of science and STEM events, including art/science. If you are unsure whether your event comes under this umbrella, feel free to email the topic to for clarification.
Is there a matched or in-kind component required?
No, you do not have to specify the matched or in-kind contribution in order to be eligible for the grants. However, some contribution from the hosting organisation is expected, which might be through labour, resources, materials, expert speakers, venue hire, etc. Specifying what you are doing to contribute to the event will assist your application, but there is no overall amount or percentage contribution required.
Can I submit more than one application?
Yes you can submit more than one application, however only one application from any organisation is able to receive funding, so if you have two applications which would have both been successful, only the one with the highest score will be funded. We would encourage you to prioritise applying for the event or activity that you believe will have the most impact, rather than submitting multiple applications.
Does my event have to be run during National Science Week?
While there is a strong preference for events to be run during the actual dates of National Science Week (10 – 18 August 2019), we realise that there may be other mitigating factors and that valuable events celebrating National Science Week may need to occur outside of these dates. If your proposed event will be held in August 2019 you are still able to submit an application for grant funding.
If I am submitting an application as an individual, do I need an organisation or ABN?
Individuals are eligible to apply for funding, and you may write “not applicable” in these sections of the form. However, the National Science Week Coordinating Committee will need to be convinced that the individual will carry out the events and spend the funds as agreed, so any evidence you provide on previous events or grants you have been involved with will support your application.
If you have any other questions, please email them to or call 07 3842 9220.